
Atp's external memory

Hangover and Slow day.

This seems to have gone so quickly. Day 9 already. I'll probably be posting this from Dumaguete, as the globe signal here is so unreliable and slow. Missed yoga this morning, to my shame. But then everyone else did too. Sorry Valerie. Whisky does that. Body doesn't feel like a temple this morning..

  A fun dive on the pier by the port today. Macro shots of nudibranchs, ascidians and the odd lion fish. I didn't spot the frogfish everyone else talked about. But it was lovely to dive with Rhoda and Daniel who joined us from Cebu. There may have been a bit of hand holding going on underwater.

Dave decided he had to jump off the pier into the water and recruited Rick to go with him. It was a long way down and they needed several practise runs before committing to the jump. It felt good apparently. I watched from a distance. We came back to find the bar at the front had been christened the “nudi bar” and had drawings of nudibranchs on it. Very appropriate.

Lunch was a stand up affair. Eaten in traditional filipino buffet style, using your hands on one long table with banana leaves for plates. There's a strategy to it, and it can get competitive apparently.


10 mins later

Then a lazy afternoon. Talking about PRRCE, the future and the plans for expanding the organic agriculture and mariculture programs on the mainland to provide alternative livelihoods for fishermen who might otherwise be tempted to fish in the MPAs.


Tonight – is talent night. I think we're singing Bahai Kubo. Johnny Walker platinum label is calling.

Written by atp

Friday 14 August 2015 at 11:55 am

Posted in Conservation

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