
Atp's external memory

Stormy Conditions

Today was rather different. We woke for Yoga and high winds at 06:00. We rapidly established that I’m not a flexible as I used to be and that my chakras are all out of whack. I could only look on with envy as on the next mat Pete ‘another beer?’ Raines smoothly transitioned from flying locust to downward dog ending in the crying baby position. Looking forward to more tomorrow.


Written by atp

Saturday 08 August 2015 at 08:35 am

Posted in Conservation

Adventure Begins!

(Due to problems with comms and the storm, these are somewhat delayed in being posted).

Here we are, all on Danjugan Island – the adventure has begun. As I write this, there’s a gentle breeze coming off the sea, and we’re helping ourselves to a buffet of Filipino spaghetti, and fish and calamansi and rice

Written by atp

Saturday 08 August 2015 at 08:23 am

Posted in Conservation