
Atp's external memory

Stormy Conditions

Today was rather different. We woke for Yoga and high winds at 06:00. We rapidly established that I’m not a flexible as I used to be and that my chakras are all out of whack. I could only look on with envy as on the next mat Pete ‘another beer?’ Raines smoothly transitioned from flying locust to downward dog ending in the crying baby position. Looking forward to more tomorrow.


Opinion is divided as to whether this is just the Habagat (south west Monsoon) or typhoon Hanna that’s passing by the Pacific side of the Philippines at the moment. Either way it made for a wet and windy day. The morning course was Fish ID given by Roxcie – a useful refresher into the subleties of fish ID. A few of my cherished rules of thumb were popped by that talk.

In the afternoon we discussed the survey teams and methodology, but missed a practise dive due to the worsening weather. None the less there were some lovely pictures from Rhoda’s first dive of the day which I’ll attach to this post. Swimming in the 3rd lagoon in the rain and showing the snails on the red mangroves to the kids provided a welcome diversion.

In the evening was the updated Astronomy talk – part 1. The first time this was given was almost 15 years ago, so the update brought in a bundle of new findings and discoveries. Unfortunately the practical session had to be cancelled due to horizontal rain (however as it’s warm rain, somehow it’s not so bad).

Pajama Cardinal Fish


Giant Clams - Tridacna

Written by atp

Saturday 08 August 2015 at 08:35 am

Posted in Conservation

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